To get the most out of your corporate training, it can be beneficial to find a few different methods to find something that really works for your company. In fact, you may benefit from utilizing methods from a variety of different systems to get the most out of your team building workshops. Scott and Nicole Epp from Breakthrough Corporate Training in Sydney are certified LIFE Languages™ trainers and we can incorporate this in your effective leadership training. There are many aspects of LIFE Languages™ that can teach you how to become an effective leader, as well as teach team development to make your business successful.

You may be wondering what LIFE Languages™ are. This is based on the principle of Character Centered Communication, which aims to help you communicate more efficiently and be more productive with communication. This system is able to help you identify all of your challenges in effectively communicating and will help you to build the most effective teams possible so that you can maximize the efficiency of your organization. This system has testing, seminars, and specialized workshops that are aimed specifically at making communication skills stronger and will help all members of the organization. One of the most common complaints about the environment of the workplace revolves around ineffective communication.

About the Communication Character and Effectiveness Corporate Training Program

From our Corporate Training Program, you will understand the importance of creating a working culture within your organization and how to profile your staff through this language and how to apply this at the workplace. Whether your business is in Sydney Australia or anywhere in the world these profiles can help you assess your staff so that you can come up with the most effective forms of conflict resolution within the workplace. This highly comprehensive assessment can help you in the following ways:

  • You will discover amazing skills in conflict resolution.
  • Learn effective communication with your boss, peers, and teams.
  • Learn healthier ways to connect with your co-workers.
  • You can start to live a more balanced life and reduce stress.
  • Strengthen the weaknesses in your character so that you can reach your true potential

Life languages imageWith effective communication, you will watch your company grow more successful right before your eyes. To be an effective leader, it is important to know how to properly communicate with your staff and other leaders. This is also incredibly useful so that you can better communicate with clients as well. This is key to conflict resolution and can help you better resolve issues in the workplace so that you can increase the efficiency within the workplace and have a positive culture within the organization.

There are a few different things that you can expect to learn from the LIFE Languages™ System:

  • Filtering your words
  • Meeting any needs
  • Inspiring passion
  • Developing character

This is possible through our core values that help to drive this program:

  • One of these core values is that everyone is unique, which is great for workplace diversity though this means that everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses.
  • People are able to change, and with our help, these changes will help improve communication.
  • There are opportunities for self-development, success and growth and everyone should always be on the lookout for these opportunities.
  • The key to effectiveness is communication.
  • The Life Languages™ program, when properly applied, can bridge all types of differences between people.
  • People can communicate in a way that promotes peace.
  • Encourage potential in others and be positive. In order to learn this you can get a free personal purpose and breakthrough connection from us at our life coach Sydney website. 

You have likely heard that the most important thing in a relationship is communication. This is what can make your relationship a happy one that lasts a long time. Communication is not just important for making a romantic relationship successful.  Communication is an important factor in every type of interpersonal relationship. If you feel as though this is an area that you are lacking in or just want to hone these essential communication skills, LIFE Languages™ is an incredible tool to help you meet your communication goals.

Once you have learned and started to apply what you have learned during our workshop, you will notice positive changes within your organization. Your organization will flourish.


Each of these profiles has positives and negatives, so you should not be discouraged with your results after the assessment.  This does give you an incredibly useful tool to help you learn to be a better communicator by helping you understand your weaknesses and how to mesh well with people of a different profile. By understanding this, you can make the workplace a better and more efficient environment.



The Mover Life Language™ is direct, innovative and high standard bearing. People that are high in this Life Language are often ambitious and reactive and are pioneers in their field. This language is in the “kinetic” category, which means that they respond with actions to people, life, stress, and values. This language is highly principled and is keenly interested in other people’s motives.


  The Doer Life Language™ is diligent, practical, and detailed. They are observant of their surroundings and can be very responsible. This language is in the “Kinetic” Intelligence Category, which means that they respond with actions to people, life, stress, and values. The Doer can be excellent at making sure tasks and projects get done. This language is interested in everyone doing their share.
  The Influencer™ Life Language is Intuitive, Enthusiastic, and Inclusive. Because they are interested in people they tend to be relational. The Influencer™ is in the “Emotive” Intelligence Category which means that they will respond with their hearts first before anything else. People with a high Influencer™ Life Language may love parties and often they are the one that brings people together. The Influencer™ is interested in knowing if people are communicating well.
  The Responder Life Language™ is compassionate, passionate, and creative. People that are high in this Life Language tend to be sensitive and warm. They may also be verbal and reactive. The Responder™ is in the “Emotive” Intelligence Category which means that they will respond with their hearts first before anything else. Responders™ tends to feel deeply and they even feel the emotional energy that people have. The Responder™ is interested in knowing that people care.
  The Shaper Life Language™ is Focused, Strategic and Organised. This contributes to why they can be great visionaries and effective delegators. The Responder™ is in the “Cognitive” Intelligence Category which means that they use their head first to react to situations and people. The Shaper language can be very patient with processes, strategies and systems. This Language is interested in knowing that there is a plan.

The Producer language is a gracious person who is responsible and philanthropic. They are also resourceful, thoughtful, and hospitable. This is also in the cognitive category. Producers are often great at giving gifts, particularity if the gift is practical or well thought through. This language tends to manage money and resources well. The Producer language is interested in knowing if people are managing their life, business, relationships, etc. 

  The Contemplator language is an inquisitive and reflective person. They are sensitive, complex, and peaceful. This also is categorized as “cognitive.” The Contemplator language can be very knowledgeable and wise. This language can easily get lost in thought and thinking things that interest them. 



Communication is one of the easiest ways to improve upon your company. Once you understand that, you can help improve your work environment through Breakthrough Corporate Training Sydney that specializes in communication skills. Schedule a 15-minute call by going to our Online Scheduling Page and we can share how we will help you breakthrough with your character communication and effectiveness in your business. 

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