This principle may be difficult to understand because we are taught to help those who are in need. It is especially difficult when it is a close friend who is asking for a favor. This principle may be difficult to understand because we are taught to help those who are in need. It is especially difficult when it is a close friend who is asking for a favor. Banks and lending institutions are created for people who have needs; it is their business.


Co-signing violates many common sense principles. First of all, each of us should take responsibility for our own debt. In many cases, the person who asks for co-signing has not been faithful or responsible to the bank, family or others; otherwise, the person might not be in this situation.

By saying no to co-signing we may be doing a favor. We will need to give the reasons why we are saying no but this serves as an opportunity to help them see things from a different perspective. We may build a lasting relationship rather than lose a friend if they are not able to pay.

If we give them money as a gift with no obligation to repay, we earn the right to be heard and may be able to speak into their life, helping them make different choices to get what they want.

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